Challenges of Alcoholism in the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru: A Pastoral Response
Alcoholism, Catholic Church and Nakuru Dioceses.Abstract
Alcohol has increasingly become a main and important drink for victory parties, weddings, birthdays, ordinations, graduation parties and home coming events. The users cite its use for celebrating the gift of life, success and of one another. The study examined and investigate the causes and the consequences of alcoholism in Nakuru. The study presented recommendations to alcoholism in the light of the teachings of the Church; this will follow biblical and Tradition. The approach to tackle alcoholism in Small Christian Communities of Nakuru will be in the context of a pastoral response. The study followed a pastoral circle method which has four moments namely insertion, social analysis, theological reflection and pastoral planning or action. For insertion, the researcher reflected on his experience to enrich the study. The study employed the social analysis through which the root causes of the social problem of alcoholism was discussed. The aim in this step was to go back to the root causes of the problem. Through applying theological reflection, we intended to judge the challenge of alcoholism and its impact on the people of Nakuru this will be in the light of the teachings of the Church using scripture and the tradition. Finally, the study presents the action plan; which helped in recommending practical solutions for moral action. This lecture benefits; pastoral agents in order to help members of any Small Christian Community on the chronic phenomenon of alcoholism in Nakuru.
Keywords: Alcoholism, Catholic Church and Nakuru Dioceses.
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