Effects of Loan Loss Provisions on Loans Disbursements Case Study of SACCOs in Kenya
The study sought to establish the relationship between interest rates and loan provision in SACCOs in Kenya. Descriptive survey research design and stratified random sampling method were used. The sample size used was 84 respondents comprising of three operation managers, four credit officers, three customer service officers and seventy-four registered Sacco’s members. The study was guided by Classical interest, Keynesian Liquidity and Time preference theories. Results indicated that interest rates charged on loans had the least influence on loan provisions. The study recommends that the government through Central Bank and Kenya Bankers Association to advocate for more market-based regulations which would ensure affordable and accessible financing for the small businesses and startups that promotes enabling environments for entrepreneurial activities. The findings contributed to new knowledge to literature and theory.
Keywords: Loan, Loss Provision, Loan Disbursement, Farmers, SACCO.
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