Stakeholder Involvement and Sustainability of World Bank Funded Project in Rwanda: A Case of Skills Development Project in Gasabo District
The general objective of this research was to examine the stakeholder involvement and sustainability of World Bank funded project in Rwanda with a case of skills development fund in Gasabo District. The researcher used descriptive research design to the sample of 211 respondents who are drawn from target population of the study, which is 400 people. The respondents were selected to participate in this study using simple random sampling and census as the techniques of sampling. The interview schedule and questionnaire were employed to collect the information from the field and the data collected was analyze as the inferential statistics were analyze using the Pearson correlation and regression analysis, whereas the mean, standard deviation comprised the descriptive statistics. The results of the first objective regarding stakeholder empowerment and sustainability of skills development project revealed that a big number of respondents agreed that stakeholder empowerment promote sustainability of skills development project by the overall mean of 2.009 and the correlation results proving that stakeholder empowerment has a positive and significant relationship with measures of (beneficiary satisfaction has r=0.928, beneficiary ownership has r=0.949, beneficiary continuous progress has r=.961 and sig=0.00) sustainability of skills development project. The results of the second objective regarding stakeholder decision making and sustainability of skills development project showed that stakeholder decision making and beneficiary satisfaction have (r=0.929 and sig=0.00), with beneficiary ownership (r=0.950 and sig=0.00) and with beneficiary continuous progress (r=.962 and sig=0.00) which implies that stakeholder decision making has a positive and significant relationship with sustainability of skills development project. The results of the third objective regarding stakeholder consultation and sustainability of skills development project showed that stakeholder consultation and beneficiary satisfaction have (r=0.930 and sig=0.00), with beneficiary ownership (r=0.951 and sig=0.00), and with beneficiary continuous progress (r=.963 and sig=0.00) which implies that stakeholder consultation has a positive and significant relationship with sustainability of skills development project in Gasabo District, Rwanda. Basing on the results of the study, the researcher would like to recommend that the involvement of stakeholder should not only be limited in consultation and in decision making rather should be also involved in implementation and provision of the support that they can afford to the project such as participating actively in activities that required provision of labor or other contribution in order to develop the spirit of self-reliance and ownership of the project that enhances.
Keywords: Stakeholder involvement, Sustainability of World Bank Funded Project, Skills Development Project, Rwanda.
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