Influence of Project Management Practices on Performance of Public Construction Projects in Kamonyi District, Rwanda
The government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Education has targeted to improve education based on science and technology as well as innovation in order to enhance the quality of education. The purpose of this paper therefore, was to establish the influence of project management practices on performance of public construction projects in Kamonyi district of Rwanda. The study employed descriptive and correlation research designs. The study used 133 people as target population. The study conducted a census. Questionnaire and guided interview were used as data collection instruments. The study found that majority, 38.8% of the respondents participates in construction project for the purpose of sustaining their living standard. It was also found that majority, 78.8% of respondents do not make a written project plan. The study also found that majority agreed that there is the provision of the required resources to be used before starting the project. The variables like resource acquisition, resource organization and risk mitigation that make project implementation were found to influence the construction project performance at 35.2% and the remaining 64.8% can be affected by other variables. The study found that the project monitoring and evaluation is ready to affect the construction project performance at 26.7% and the remaining 73.3% can be affected by other variables. The study recommended that managers of different organizations which sponsor projects should continually modify management aspects to improve performance of construction projects.
Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Implementation, Project management practices, Project Performance and Project planning, Kamonyi Districti, Rwanda
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