Performance Drivers in Project Planning and Management of Registered Auto-Garages in Nairobi County, Kenya
The study established the performance drivers in project planning management of registered auto-garages in Nairobi, Kenya. The research questions examined how leadership and governance influenced the direction of auto-garages in Nairobi and determined how access to credit facilities influenced the direction of registered auto-garages in Nairobi. The study was anchored on: Customer satisfaction theory and Interaction theory. A mixed-method approach was used in the study. The study population was the 82 registered auto-garages in Nairobi. The target population for the study was 625, and the sample size was 222; for quantitative data, a simple random technique was used, and for triangulation purposes, purposive sampling and simple random techniques were applied. The study used primary data collected using structured and unstructured interviews. A pilot study was conducted to test and improve the validity and reliability of the research instrument for quantitative data yielding Cronbach’s alpha of 0.600 which was found to be consistent and reliable. The study achieved a response rate of 92.79%, equivalent to 206 employees. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for frequencies and Pearson Correlation using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 23) at a 5% significance level. Qualitative data was analyzed and presented verbatim according to the research questions. The research also performed correlation and regression analysis to test and assess the relationships among variables to predict the management of registered auto-garages in Nairobi County, Kenya. Analyzed data was presented using tables to display the information. The research found that with better leadership and governance, there is always better management of auto garages in the study area. The study recommended that management have better leadership styles and managerial skills through training for better use of resources for quality service.
Keywords: Performance drivers, Project planning, Management, Registered auto-garages, Nairobi
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