Cooking Stove Project Planning and Performance of the National School Feeding Programme
A manufacturing sector is one of the investment opportunities identified in Rwanda where the different incentives of customs duties are applied to raw materials, intermediate products and finished products (RDB, 2022). Investigating the effects of cooking stoves project planning on its performance is the overall goal of this study. The specific objectives are ; to examine the influence of project scope planning to the project performance of MICS; to examine the influence of project scheduling planning on project performance of MICS; to assess the influence of project cost planning on project performance of MICS; and to assess the customers’ satisfaction planning on project performance of MICS. The research was conducted under the population of two hundred ninety-six (296) people who are the ones who have involved the manufacturing and installation of 468 cooking stoves and 106 additional pots in two hundred thirty-four (234) schools located in the districts three districts. The said population including eight (8) management team of project, fifty-four (54) technicians, and two hundred thirty-four (234) project beneficiaries. And the sample for this study is 30% of the population which is eighty-nine (89) respondents who was selected based on their category. Besides that, questionnaires were used to collect the data and both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used for sorting and analyzing the research findings. The research findings reported that the project planning led to the project performance even though there were some unplanned happenings associated with the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. Considering the research findings, the research concludes that the performance of manufacturing institutional cooking stoves for school feeding programme has a favorable and significant relationship with project planning and project impacted positively on society particularly to the educational community of 234 schools including seventy-one (71) schools located in Ngoma, sixty-five (65) schools located in Kirehe and ninety-eight (98) schools located in Gatsibo districts. Therefore, the research has recommended the government of Rwanda to extend the project activities to the other categories of organizations for the interest of efficiency use of energy during the kitchen activities and environmental protection.
Keywords: Cooking Stove Project Planning, Performance, National School Feeding Programme, Rwanda.
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