Stakeholders Participation and Implementation of Non-Governmental Organization Education Project in Rwanda; A Case of Teaching Assistantship Project
The research examined stakeholders’ participation in implementing NGO education projects in Rwanda, specifically looking at monitoring and evaluation, project communication, project planning, and project implementation within IEE Rwanda. The research process involved conducting a literature review, empirical review, and data collection from a target population of 234 individuals, including IEE staff, District Directors of Education, Headteachers, and Directors/Deans of Studies, The main aim of this study was to improve research skills for future field research and examine the importance of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the successful implementation of the IEE TAP project in Rwanda. The study findings demonstrated that M&E was vital to the project's success. This was evident from the overall mean score of 4.384, obtained from a Likert scale of 4, indicating a strong consensus among the participants regarding the significance of M&E in project implementation. The correlation analysis further supported these results by showing positive relationships, with all calculated p-values being statistically significant at a level below 0.05. These findings highlight the positive impact of project M&E on the successful execution of educational projects by NGOs in Rwanda. Additionally, the study explored the relationship between project planning and project implementation. The results indicated that project planning significantly contributed to the successful execution of the IEE TAP project in Rwanda. The overall mean score of 4.175 indicated a consensus among the respondents regarding the importance of project planning. The correlation analysis reinforced these findings, with all p-values indicating positive and significant relationships below the 0.05 level. This underscores the significance of effective project planning in enhancing the outcomes of development projects in the education sector, specifically within Rwanda. The results revealed that project communication was a crucial responsibility in successfully implementing the IEE TAP project in Rwanda. The overall mean score of 3.919 indicated agreement among respondents regarding the importance of project communication. The correlation analysis further confirmed these findings, with all p-values being positive and significant below 0.05. This emphasizes the importance of effective project communication for achieving successful outcomes in education sector projects in Rwanda. Overall, the study findings suggest the study findings demonstrated that effective stakeholder action has a substantial and constructive influence on the successful execution of NGO education projects in Rwanda. Project managers are advised to promote the participation of all stakeholders to enhance project implementation. These findings contribute to the existing knowledge on NGO project management in Rwanda and have practical implications for NGOs aiming to improve project outcomes in the education sector.
Keywords: Stakeholders Participation, Non – Governmental Organization, Education Project, Teaching Assistantship Project, Rwanda.
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