Strategic Planning and Organizational Performance in Non-Profit Organizations in Rwanda: A Case of World Vision, Kigali, Rwanda
The general objective of this study is to assess the effect of strategic Planning on Organization performance in Non – Profit Organizations in Rwanda, a Case study of World Vision Rwanda (Kigali). The specific objectives were; to determine the effect of Stakeholder involvement, resource allocation, and risk planning in strategic planning on organization performance in Non-profit organizations in Rwanda. The total population was 300, and the sample size was 171, calculated using the Yamane formula. Both stratified and purposive sampling techniques were employed. This research used a descriptive design with a correlation-regression size effect for each specific study objective. The present research used qualitative and quantitative approaches. They are concerned with the specific objectives of this study. The findings showed a strong positive relationship between stakeholder engagement, effective resource allocation, and effective risk planning with organizational performance. Whereby stakeholder engagement has 0. Four hundred seventy-two correlations, resource allocation has 0.502 correlations, and risk planning has 0.893 correlations with organizational performance in non-government Organizations. Further, the findings showed that R Square is high, indicating a high contribution of independent variables to dependent variables. Adjusted R Square shows that considering stakeholder engagement, resource allocation, and risk planning during strategic planning contributes up to 52.1% to organizational performance. This assumes that non-governmental organizations are urged to consider stakeholder engagement, resource allocation, and risk planning during strategic planning to ensure organizational performance. The study concludes that for proper organizational strategic planning, similar organizations are recommended to engage critical stakeholders during planning practices.
Keywords: Strategic Planning, Organizational Performance, Non-Profit Organizations, World Vision, Kigali
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