Teachers' Involvement in Strategic Planning to Improve Quality Education in Private Secondary Schools in Eastern Province, Rwanda
The study aimed at examining the influence of Teachers' Involvement in Strategic Planning Process to Improve Quality Education in Private Secondary Schools in Eastern Province Rwanda. The research questions for the study were: What are the different ways of teachers' involvement in school planning process to provide quality education in private secondary schools? How do teachers' duties and responsibilities in school planning improve quality education in private secondary schools? To what extent does the teachers' awareness about planning process affect the provision of quality education in private schools? What is the relationship between teachers' involvement in strategic planning and quality education provided in private secondary schools? What are the challenges faced by private schools as result of teachers' exclusion in the strategic planning process? Total quality management theory was used. The study was guided by both a descriptive survey design and correlational research design. Mixed methods were employed. The targeted population was 616 including 28 Head teachers, 28 deputy headteachers in charge of studies, and 532 teaching staff. Questionnaires and interview guide were used to collect data. Descriptive measures (frequencies, percentages, Means, and Karl Pearson Coefficient of Correlation), and Thematic Approaches were used to analyze the data, tables, graphs, and texture method were used to present the findings. The findings revealed teaching as multifaced profession, but teachers are not adequately involved in the strategic planning process in private secondary schools in Eastern province Rwanda. This affects the quality of education provided in those schools. The findings also indicated a significant positive degree of relationship between teachers' involvement in strategic planning process and quality education improvement in private secondary schools in Eastern Province -Rwanda. The researcher recommended the involvement of teaching staffs in the strategic planning process and putting in place measures to increase teachers' motivation in order to improve the quality of education.
Keywords: Teacher involvement, Strategic planning, quality education, private Secondary schools, Rwanda
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