Cultural Orientation and Customer Satisfaction. A study of African Airlines


  • Lukas Maina Njeru
  • Thomas Kimeli Cheruiyot


The extent to which members of different cultures vary in their reactions to uncertainty can have a major impact on how perceived service quality affects customer satisfaction. This is so particularly to service industries in an era of rapid internationalization. Thus, the objective of this paper was to investigate the effect of cultural orientation on customer satisfaction in the context of an airline. The sample consisted of 750 customers drawn from 9 selected African Airlines, selected through stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Before testing the hypotheses testing, data collection instruments were purified by utilizing a structure model equation and confirmatory factor analysis. The findings of this study show that cultural orientation had a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction among African airlines. Insight on using culture for directing resources where quality investments are needed most is provided to managers. Given the novelty of the findings, the study recommends that African airlines must invest heavily in cultural orientation to foster identity, commitment, attitudinal and behavioral, which fosters long-term customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Cultural Orientation, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty


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How to Cite

Njeru, L. M., & Cheruiyot, T. K. (2019). Cultural Orientation and Customer Satisfaction. A study of African Airlines. Journal of Strategic Management, 3(4), 1–11. Retrieved from


